All About Curvy Yoga

By Rose Bak

There are innumerable benefits to practicing yoga, but for some of us, certain positions can be difficult to get into, or uncomfortable to maintain. A practice that’s meant to be relaxing can instead make us feel bad about ourselves and our bodies.

Do any of these things sound familiar?  You’re doing a forward fold, but your stomach prevents you from reaching the floor. Or you’re doing a bridge pose, and it feels like your breasts are choking you. Or your instructor tells you to “rest” in child’s pose, but it feels more like torture than rest.

It may surprise you to learn that even the curviest person can get the benefit of yoga, even if their expression of the poses looks a little different from what you typically see in traditional yoga classes. That’s where “Curvy Yoga” comes in.

About ten years ago I was in a yoga class trying to do a seated forward fold. The instructor came behind me and started shoving at my back, as if my face could reach my shins if she just pushed hard enough.

“My stomach is in the way,” I told her, my face heated in embarrassment at being ‘the big girl’ in class.

She threw up her hands.  “I don’t know how to help you then.”

“What would you tell me if I was pregnant?” I asked curiously.

“I’d tell you to widen your legs to make room for your belly.”

I tried it and was able to get into the position for the first time.  Then I looked up and said to the teachers, “You should tell people like me what you tell pregnant ladies.  We’re both working around our stomachs.”

After that class I resolved to find a different way to practice.  I found accessible yoga, which helped a lot, but something else was still missing.  The key was Curvy Yoga.

Developed by Anna Guest-Jelley, Curvy Yoga is a version of yoga that works with your curves, not against them. Instead of forcing one’s body into a prescribed shape, we focus on the intent of the position.  We choose variations of poses that accommodate larger breasts, bellies, butts, or thighs and allow us to get the benefit of the pose without being uncomfortable or feeling bad about ourselves.

Sometimes this means using props like blocks or straps. Sometimes this means making slight shifts in position to allow our breath to flow naturally.  And sometimes this means taking a handful of belly and gently moving it out of the way.

Like most yoga practices, Curvy Yoga can be as challenging or as restful as you want on a certain day.

There’s a concept in yoga called ahimsa which is often translated as non-harm or compassion.  In Curvy Yoga we practice ahimsa towards ourselves.  And we have a little fun too.

Here’s what you can expect in my Curvy Yoga class.

First, we start with a short meditation. We’ll check in with ourselves and focus on breathing.  Then we will do some gentle movements to warm up the neck and back.  These are done seated, either on the floor or a chair.

Next, we will practice some floor stretches, with variations offered to do these poses in a chair for those who don’t want to be on the floor.  Then we will do some standing poses which have an option to be done with the support of a wall or a chair.  Then we end with gentle relaxation.

Each week there will be a pose to focus on where we will practice variations to see which one works best for our individual bodies.  We might try a downward dog with hands on the floor, hands on a chair, and hands on the wall to see which each of us like best.  Or we might try different ways to bring our knees and chest towards each other to stretch the lower back.  Special attention will be paid to how blocks, straps, chairs and other supports can help make poses more accessible.

Throughout the practice, we will focus on the strength, flexibility, and overall amazingness of our unique bodies.  Affirmations may also be part of this body positive practice.

The class is open to people of all sizes, body types, ages, and abilities. Whether you are new to yoga, or you’ve been doing yoga for years, you will find something for you in this class.

“Curvy Yoga” will be offered on Monday nights at 6:00 p.m. Pacific time.  The class will be taught by Rose Bak, who is a certified Curvy Yoga instructor.  Please reach out to Rose with any questions or concerns.

Join Rose for Class at Adosa Wellness!

For more on Curvy Yoga, check out this article in the Yoga Journal.


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