Member Spotlight w/Rob

Rob is a Founding Member

Pictured here with his Mom and Grandson

A favorite pose: Probably the hip openers for me, pretty essential to feeling like I can move well.

A favorite book: “Barbarian Days: A Surfing Life” By William Finnegan. These are really great stories of male friendships through the stages of life.

A favorite mindfulness moment in your day: I struggle with mindfulness; I'm always thinking! But that’s ok… just come back to the moment.

Tell us a little bit about yourself: I think I’m retired from a career in home remodeling, but I’ve been working on project to build a vacation cabin in Southern Oregon. Janet and I just celebrated our 33rd wedding anniversary on New Year’s Eve, not totally without incident, but everybody’s OK! I became a grandfather in 2020 when my son and his wife had their first baby, Luke, and now they have another little boy on the way.

What is your current movement or spiritual practice and how is it meaningful to you: My current movement practice consists of walking and classes or videos through Adosa. Gentle yoga, one or hopefully two days a week, and Pilates, also one or two days. As for a spiritual practice, I’ve been listening to some readings by Pema Chodron. It seems to be connecting for me.

What do you love about being a member at Adosa Wellness: I love Adosa! I feel like it was made for me; the gentle approach to yoga certainly suits me, and the addition of the Pilates classes has helped me challenge myself to strengthen the muscles around my creaky, old ball and socket joints. But really it’s Carol; her warm smile, soft voice, and the care and thoughtfulness she puts into her classes that binds me to Adosa.

What is your definition of healthy masculinity, and how do you embody it: This one is loaded! I try to be a good human and a good man. A good partner, a good friend. I try to be a good son and help my folks out. I try to keep myself healthy so I can continue to do that.

Rob is a Founding Member of Adosa Wellness

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My Journey to a Self-Care Based Movement Practice


Nourishing the 3rd / Solar Plexus Chakra