Teacher Spotlight w/ Rose

Rose Bak, Accessible Yoga Teacher

A favorite pose: Reclined cobbler. I love the release it gives to the hips and lower abdomen, and I also find it relaxing.

A favorite poem: Lately I'm really liking the poem "Kindness" by Naomi Shihab Nye.

A favorite mindfulness moment in your day: When I first wake up in the morning, my dog Edison will always snuggle up against me. While I enjoy petting him and soaking up the unconditional love of a dog, I try to send kindness out to the world.

Tell us a little bit about yourself: I'm originally from Chicago, but moved to Portland in the 1990s. In my day job I work in social work, providing services to immigrants and refugees, people experiencing homelessness, seniors, and people with disabilities. When I'm not working I like to write romance novels and blog posts on topics like aging and mindfulness. I also enjoy walking with my dog, listening to an eclectic assortment of music, and rooting for the Chicago Bears.

When and why did you become a teacher: I decided to become a teacher because I always felt "different" in yoga classes. My body was bigger, and my spine doesn't work like most people's because of spinal fusion. I went to yoga teacher training hoping to learn how to deepen my own practice and learn ways to get the benefits of yoga poses even if they didn't look the same as everyone else's. To my surprise, despite the fact that I'm very introverted, I loved teaching. I love seeing everyone using the variations of poses that work best for them that day, and I feel gratified when I see people leaving class more relaxed than when they started.

What do you love about teaching at Adosa Wellness: I love that Adosa is very member driven. Everyone has the opportunity to provide feedback and be a part of building a community. I also love that Adosa has a different model which pays teachers a living wage for their efforts.

How do you make your Adosa classes accessible to students of varying ability: For most poses, I like to offer a couple different options so students can pick what works for them that day in the body they have right now. You'll often hear me saying, "option 1 is....option 2 is....". I also like to remind people that they know their body better than I do, and they should listen to the cues their bodies give them. I also like to give longer transitons between poses so people are able to move safely between one pose and another.

What are the most important values you hope to pass on to your students: Yoga is for everyone. A lot of people see skinny people twisting themselves in complicated poses on social media and think, "That's not for me". But it is for you! If you're older or younger, larger or smaller, have injuries or health issues, we can still an expression of the pose that will benefit you. Yoga is a journey not a destination.

Anything further you’d like to add: My new class "Gentle Back Yoga" is designed to help people relax and strengthen their backs. There will be a focus on poses that may assist with things like scoliosis, compressed discs, and other back concerns. It will be a gentle class with some nice, relaxing restorative poses. I think anyone can benefit from this practice.

Rose Bak teaches accessible yoga at Adosa Wellness

Take class with Rose


Standing in Your Truth with the 5th/Throat Chakra


Awakening and Balancing the 2nd/Sacral Chakra