Member Spotlight w/ Joan, Ellen & Ann

3 Sisters: Ellen, Joan & Ann, Founding Members

A favorite pose:

Joan: child's pose, plank and bird dog

Ellen: standing tree and bird dog

Ann: warrior and goddess

A favorite poem:

Joan: David Whyte, "Everything is Waiting for You"

Ellen: Any poem by Mary Oliver

Ann: I loved the poem that Carol read in class recently: “The Art of Disappearing,” by Naomi Shihab Nye

A favorite mindfulness moment in your day:

Joan: Morning coffee with Tenzing (cat) on my lap.

Ellen: Every time I remind myself to let go of all the chatter in my head is a favorite moment.

Ann: I try to walk every day and often go to our local bike path, which runs along a river and is very beautiful- it's a chance to think and problem solve.

Tell us a little bit about yourself:

Joan: I'm 72, partnered for 38 years, retired. Lover of animals, gardening, being out in the wild, girlfriends. I've been a peace activist and women's rights activist for a lot of my life but now I mostly support things important to me through donations and letter writing. I like being physically active -mostly hiking and biking now, formerly also running and mountain climbing.

Ellen: I live in Columbus Ohio with my husband and our 25 yr old daughter. I have worked most of my life in a variety of healthcare settings. Now I work as a part-time merchandiser for American Greetings. My main hobby is my 2 horses. Regular yoga practice has helped me tremendously in being able to ride pain free. I also love flower gardening and puttering in my yard.

Ann: I live in Cincinnati with my husband of 36 years and have 2 adult children, one in the Boston area and one in NJ. I loved working as a nurse until I had my kids- I spend a lot of time sewing, crocheting, or embroidering, and love making gifts for friends and family. Always happier with a project!

What is your current movement or spiritual practice and how is it meaningful to you:

Joan: Yoga is my movement practice and an important spiritual support too. I'm also a practicing Buddhist in the Tibetan tradition and a coordinator of our Portland sangha. My spiritual life has been important to me since I was a little girl. It has taken different forms at different times in my life but is always an important part of who I am.

Ellen: I’m taking 3 yoga classes each week and I’m increasing it to 4 with Rose’s new Gentle Back class.

Ann: I guess I would have to say yoga, as this is my first experience with anything like that. It has helped me become more connected to my body and mind, as well as to my sisters who are also members.

What do you love about being a member at Adosa Wellness:

Joan: It feels like home. It's great to see the other members often and I'm getting to know them bit by bit. It doesn't happen all at once but I'm beginning to appreciate the idea of it being a community. Although I miss the in-person aspects of practicing in a studio I love the ease of doing yoga at home. I love that there are other teachers and practices but most of all I love Carol. I also love the gift cards that allow me to invite other friends and family.

Ellen: Obviously, I love practicing with my sisters on the zoom format. Carol is a wonderful teacher and guide. Her suggestions and thoughts during class are very intuitive and help me get the most out of my practice. I like being a part of the Adosa community and enjoy all of the other members comments and feedback and being together for an hour of mindful thought and movement. Carol’s combination of physical and spiritual practice make the classes just right.

Ann: The different themes each month (chakras? I have a lot to learn!), the variety of classes, the sense of community- and seeing Margo the kitty during class is a plus!

What is it like to practice yoga on zoom with your family? How has it impacted your relationships:

Joan: It's wonderful! I've lived far from my sisters my whole adult life. I love seeing them in class and it has resulted in us being in touch much more often outside of class too.

Ellen: It’s been a wonderful experience. Joan asked me to take a class during the height of the pandemic in 2020. I was brand new but I loved it and starting a yoga practice turned out to be a very good thing for me. Now my sister Ann has joined us. It’s great seeing each other during the week and practicing together.

Ann: It has brought me closer to my sisters and provided me with a means of connecting with them on a regular basis even though we live in different cities — having it on Zoom has made that possible and I look forward to seeing Joan and Ellen now several times a week.

Anything further you’d like to add:

Joan: In my experience, Adosa just keeps getting better and better.

Ellen: Carol is a wonderful guide and instructor. And she’s introduced me to amazing poetry.

Ann: Thanks, Carol, for this opportunity to share a little about my Adosa Wellness experience!

Joan, Ellen and Ann are sisters and Founding Members of Adosa Wellness

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Essential Guide to the Light


Energetic Boundaries and the 7th/Crown Chakra